The man of St Matthew



Soldiers and Brigands: Mt 27,27-44

We need to look carefully at Matthew's editing of this section. It seems he has set up a broad picture with his telling of the story.

We have noted that this stage ends in verse 44 because there is a reference to the time in verse 45.
Note how verses 27 and 38 begin with the same word.
Look at verses 38 and 44 and see how verses 38 to 44 form a unit of their own.
Then look at verses 27 through to 37 and we can see how one noun governs the whole unit. These verses read quite seamlessly.

With those details in mind, you may be able to see what is going on in these verses even before we read more closely. Have a think about that, what sort of ceremony is being invoked here.
Then take a look at my response.

Mocked and Crucified: 27,27-37

What is said about Jesus himself in these verses? What does he do?

What is happening in verses 28-29 leading up to the acclamation? What does not happen? See 26,7.
Why the scarlet cloak? See Mk 15,17.

For the acclamation see 27,11 and 27,37.

Note the continuity in verse 31 and way verse 32 is inserted. See 16,24 and then Mk 15,21 and the contrast in John, Jn 19,17.

All four Gospels agree with verse 33.

Verse 34 refers to Psalm 69,22.
While verse 35 provides another reference to Psalm 22, Ps 22,19.
Note also at this point the omission of Mk 15,25.

What is remarkable about verse 35?

Verse 36 is an insertion by Matthew. It's significance will become clear in due course.

Finally there is the climax in verse 37 with the proclamation above his head. All four Gospels have this. Mk 15,26 and Lk 23,8 are similar. What has Matthew added? See Jn 19,19-20.

Take a look now at my response.

Two Brigands: 27,38-44

As we noted, Matthew refers to the two brigands crucified with Jesus only in verses 38 and 44. See how Matthew has altered Mk 15,32. Note the wide range of translations for them. Which description might be unsatisfactory?

Check the position of the bandits in the other Gospels: Mk 15,27; Lk 23,33; Jn 19,18.

Compare these verses with Mark, Mk 15,27-32. Note how the mockery falls into two parts.
We can see that Matthew has introduced another title for Jesus into both parts. The sginificance has been there throughout the Gospel, notably 1,21; 4,17; 17,5. Glance ahead also to 27,54. Note too the theme of both parts but see 26,30.

For verse 39, see Psalm 22,8.

For verse 40, see 26,61. See also 4,3.5.

Who come onto the scene in verse 41? See 26,2.57. Who are not mentioned here?

How is Jesus' title changed in verse 42? See Zephaniah 3,15. What is the significance of the title in verse 43 repeated from verse 40?

Note how Matthew has changed Mk 15,32 in 27,44. This makes the bracket clearer.

Take a look now at my response.

We can now continue to our reading of the death and burial of Jesus, Mt 27,45-66.