The lion of St Mark


Treasure in heaven: Mk 10,17-31

As with the previous scene, we have seen that this one is also bounded by comments about Jesus' movements (10,17 and 10,32). Yet there is also a continuity of theme because the focus on discipleship continues.
The scene is set by Jesus' encounter with the Rich Man (10,17-22). This is then followed by the teaching to the disciples (10,23-31).

The Rich Man: 10,17-22

With verse 17, a comparison with Mt 19,16 brings out Mark's special wording in this verse. What is Jesus doing? What is unusual about the man's approach to Jesus?

What does Jesus mean about the good in verse 18?

In Verse 19, Jesus quotes Ex 20,12-16 and Dt 5,16-20. Note the alterations. What does Jesus not quote here?

How are we to understand the man's reaction in verse 20 in light of Jesus' response in verse 21? Compare for example 7,6-7. How does Jesus respond at the beginning of verse 21 (see Mt 19,21)?

How then does Jesus challenge the man? And what is his reaction in verse 22?

It's time for a response.

The Disciples and the Kingdom : 10,23-31

Why would the disciples be amazed at Jesus' comments about wealth? (Look for example at Job 1.)

Is the saying of Jesus in verse 25 to be taken literally?

For the disciples' answer to the call of Jesus, have look back to 1,16-20.

How might verses 29 to 30 be understood by Christians being persecuted under the emperor Nero (around 60 AD)?

How does verse 31 fit into the Gospel message?

Now take another look at the response.

The Sunday Gospel: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Sunday Gospel for the 28th Sunday is Mk 10,17-30. For reasons best known to the editors, 10,31 is omitted.

The accompanying reading is taken once again (see 25th Sunday) from the Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom 7,7-11. Read this in its context, Wisdom 7,1-14. What is Solomon doing here? How do these verse accompany the Gospel reading? Note the title to the reading in italics.

Look now at my response.

We can now move on to the climax of the teaching about discipleship in this chapter, 10,32-45.