The bull of St Luke


The Birth and Naming of John: Lk 1,57-80

Verses 57 and 58 tell of the birth of John. Look ahead and see how many verses describe the birth of Jesus in the following chapter.
Note how verse 58 picks up the themes of 1,50.54 and 1,72.78. The rejoicing fulfils 1,14.

The circumcision of John in verse 59a makes the baby one of the people of Israel: Gen 17,12; Lev 12,3.

What follows, from verse 59b to 67, is the heart of this scene, the drama around the naming of the child. Note how wife and husband concur even though Zechariah is deaf, see 1,13. What does Zechariah say in verse 64 immediately after his tongue is unlocked?

For the reaction of the neighbours, fear is a standard response, see 1,12.30 and elsewhere in the Gospel as well. What does fear mean in this context? In verse 66, the hand of the Lord echoes 1,51 as well as recalling Exodus 6,1.

How is verse 67 a conclusion to this? Zechariah is filled with the Holy Spirit whose presence in this chapter is already notable (1,35.41). How is Zechariah following Elizabeth? What is meant by prophecy here?

Zechariah's canticle The Benedictus itself now follows. We will read this on the next page.

Finally, what is the effect of verse 80? Where is John? See 3,2 & 4,1.

Now take a look at my response.

We can now read the canticle, the Benedictus, the climax of this scene and of the chapter.