3 The Gospel of Luke: chapter 9
The bull of St Luke


Greatest in the Kingdom Lk 9,37-50

We have seen that Luke announces the formal departure of Jesus for Jerusalem in 9,51 rather than immediately after the scene of the Transfiguration in 9,36. We must now see how the intervening verses, 9,37-50, lead from the Transfiguration to the announcement of the departure.

First, read these verses carefully and note the different scenes. Can you discern a theme running through them?

Then compare these verses with Mark's account of events following the Transfiguration, from Mark 9,9 onwards. We have seen already how Luke has edited the ending of the Transfiguration and then omitted a discussion concerning Elijah between Jesus and the disciples which is given by Mark.

As a consequence, what is the effect of Luke's editing of the conclusion of the Transfiguration?
Then compare the healing of the child (9,37-43) with Mark's account (Mk 9,14-29). How has Luke given this account a new focus?

There follows a second announcement of Jesus' fate (9,43b-45), again with a different focus to Mark (Mk 9,30-32). Note where the third statement of Jesus' fate is provided (18,31-34, compare Mk 10,33-34). Where are these two announcements placed?

For the argument 9,46 look also at 22,24.

9,49-50 has also been edited from Mark 9,38-41. Consider the consequence.

Consider why Luke has made his cut-off with Mark's sequence at this point.

Now go to my response.

Let us now continue with the announcement of Jesus' departure and its consequences, 9,51-62.