The bull of St Luke


The Resurrection of Jesus

He has been raised: Luke 24,1-12

In the overview, we compared these verses with Mark 6,1-6 and Matthew 28,1-10. Apart from the emphasis on Galilee in Matthew and Mark, what is distinctive about Luke's account?

Verse 1: what time is it? What is the signifcance of this? (See also Jn 20,1).
What might be the significance of the spices (see also 23,56)?

Verse 3 - see also verses 12,23,24. What in most translations is Jesus called? What is its significance?

Verse 4: What is the meaning of the shining clothes and the reaction of the women? See also 24,23.

Verses 5-7: see also 9,22.

The first part of verse 6, "he is not here, but he is risen", is not found in all manuscripts and therefore not in all translations. See Mt 28,6. The balance of opinion today is in favour of retaining it.

Verses 6 & 8: we can note the stress on memory. Look back to 22,19.

Verse 9, a sharp contrast to Mk 16,6. Note too the number of apostles.

Verse 10: why name the women at this point (in contrast to Mark 16,1)? What do you make of the apostles' reaction in verse 11?!

Verse 12 with Peter running to the tomb is quite different to John 20,3-5. For "marvelling" see, among others, 1,21.63; 2,18.

Now look at my response.

Let us now read the Emmaus story, Lk 24,13-32.